> > On Fri, 30 Apr 2004 09:56:08 -0700 (PDT)
> > Gene Buckle wrote:
> >
> > And then... simpits is not fgfs specific. Most discussions tend to be
> > fighter pit based and mostly on MSFS or Falcon.
> >
> There's not a whole lot of FGFS discussion because it's not a drop and go
> solution like MSFS or Falcon (and soon to be Lock On: Modern Air Combat)
> is.  If it was easier for non-programmer types to interface to, I'm sure
> more people would use it.  Having a FlightGear cockpit evangelist wouldn't
> hurt either. :)
Two aspects to the problem:
1) Not a good interface for hardware, and not much of a demand to design one
(kind of the chicken and egg argument)

2) and trying to design one can be a little exasperating. The code keeps
changing and things get broken. (e.g, I was working on a 747 braking system
and now I see in release 0.9.4 the control interface has reverted to a
single left brake and right brake -- go figure). I've got an interface card
that runs with a linux driver, but it's not a direct connect to FG. Seems FG
needs something akin to the EPIC cards and a defined, stable, and backward
compatible interface definition.
Besides we're running out of keystrokes ;-)

Kind of doubt if FG and cockpit builders will ever reach critical mass

John W.

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