Sometimes I run into issues with FlightGear -- fgfs, data, scenery,
whatever -- that I'm reluctant to report because I'm concerned that
the developers already know about them; I figure it's exasperating
to keep getting reports about the same issue.  I also wonder whether
there are bugs in non-code components that I might presumably be
able to cut my teeth by trying to address.  But in either case,
there's no straightforward way to find out about FlightGear bugs.

When the project was hosted at SF, there was a bug tracking system
there.  Was it used?  Would having a working BTS be a good thing,
or was this issue addressed at some point in the past and then
decided upon as being not worth it?  If there's some feeling that
having one would be a good thing, are the reasons there isn't
one mainly those of resources (a hosting server, someone's time
to maintain the system, etc.).  Does it feel at this point like
having one would be too formalized, or needless bureaucracy, or

Yours in curiosity,


Chris Metzler                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                (remove "snip-me." to email)

"As a child I understood how to give; I have forgotten this grace since I
have become civilized." - Chief Luther Standing Bear

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