Finally, something I can help with! 8-)

In much of the world (Poland included) you pay per impulse (about 3 minutes) even for a local call. So downloading can be expensive if you use dialup.

They've got 10 copies for sale, buy now for 30 PLN (polish zloties) around 9 USD.

A rough translation (2nd have of the page after the auction specifics) below, quoted text is the original Polish:

Welcome to my auction

I am presenting FlightGear an Ultra realistic flight simulator. Why spend more than 200 zl (about 50 usd or so) for this product, which you can have for much less when flying emotions are the same.

The realism of the game permits one to learn the secrets of (plane) flight -- preserving realistic flight physics and control of the plane, there are a lot of planes to chose from. The game offers the possibility of flying practically over the entire globe (see below)

FlightGear is a game which is 100% free. You may download it from the internet. You need to download more than 90 mb at once from the internet and there are a lot of extras also. The price which I sell this game for is a sum paid as I downloaded and prepared the game for you. Upon paying to my bank account, I will pay for free shipping. If you buy from me, you get:

The game on 1 cd
Instructions in English (pdf on the cd)
Instalation instructions and Fast Start in Polish
Maps of the usa (partial) and Poland and areas to fly in (on the cd)
All in a boxed DVD case

Witam na mojej aukcji.
Przedstawiam FlightGear Ultra realistyczny symulator lotu. Po co wydawaç ponad 200z∏ za produkt, który mo˝na mieç za o wiele ni˝szà cen´ i do tego emocje z latania sà identyczne. Realizm gry pozwala na poznanie tajników lotu samolotem z zachowaniem bardzo realistycznej fizyki lotu oraz obs∏ugi samolotu. a jest ich do wyboru pokaêna iloÊç. Do tego gra oferuj´ mo˝liwoÊç latania praktycznie na ca∏ej kuli ziemskiej ( o tym ni˝ej).

FlightGear to gra która jest w 100% darmowa. Mo˝esz jà sciàgnàç z internetu, Tylko ˝e sciàgni´cie ponad 90Mb na raz z internetu to nie lada wyczyn a do tego dochodzà ró˝ne inne dodatki. Cena, za którà sprzedaj´ t´ gr´ to suma dzi´ki której jà sciàgno∏em i przygotowa∏em te gr´ dla Ciebie, Przy w p∏acie na konto przesy∏ka gratis . JeÊli kupisz u mnie tà gr´, dostaniesz :

*       Gra na jednym 1CD
*       Instrukcja w wersji angielskiej (PDF na p∏ycie)
*       Instrukcja instalacji oraz szybkiego startu gry w jez. Polskim
*       Mapy USA(czeÊç), Polski i okolic do latania (na p∏ycie)
*       wszystko w pude∏ku DVD case.

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