sentences, I was recommended to present the idea on a webpage and ask on
 the FlightGear 
        mailing list for other opinions - and that's exactly what
 I am doing now.
        In short: I am thinking about the possibilites to create
 an interactive training/lesson
        addon for FlightGear to illustrate topics
 such as navigation concepts by using FlightGear
        as backend.
        You can
 find more details at 
        feedback for
 FlightGear based application concept required
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Hi !

I would like to have some feedback  about an idea for a FlightGear based 
project that
I recently came up with. As the idea is not that easy to describe with 
one or two
sentences, I was recommended to present the idea on a webpage and ask 
for other
opinions on the FlightGear mailing list - and that's exactly what I am 
doing now.

In short: I am thinking about the possibilites to create an interactive 
training/lesson addon
for FlightGear to provide on the one hand interactive help for 
FlightGear's most essential
features but also -even more interesting: to interactively illustrate 
topics such as navigation
concepts by using FlightGear as backend. This project should be based on 
two parts:
a "player" (to be loaded/running within FlightGear) and also an 
authoring tool to enable
easy creation of the training modules for the player.

You can find more details at

I am currently mainly looking for answers to some of the following 

    - is there demand for an application like this ?
    - how many people would actually want to use it (if available) ?
    - how feasible would it be to implement such an application with 
FlightGear as backend ?
and for the developers among you:

    - is there anything like a general API in order to interface with 
FlightGear (either externally or as a plugin) ?
    - has anybody experience with writing similar extensions for 
FlightGear ?
    - is there a way to directly access FlightGear's client area (e.g. 
via PSL) to display custom animations ?

    - and of course: would anybody like to join the attempt to turn that
      concept into something useful ? (it's gonna be a spare time 
project anyway)

For simplicity reasons, and also in order not to disturb the mailing 
list that much, I did also set up a basic
forum on the same webpage - just in case this should be more convenient 
for some of you  (there is
no need to register in order to post)

Any feedback is appreciated - thanks in advance !



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