Curtis L. Olson wrote:

> I want to bring a new subject before the group.
> In the past we have discussed potential income sources for the FG 
> project, so I think it's fair to discuss another option since the 
> opportunity has introduced itself today.
> There is a company that makes hardware (3d glasses, head tracker, voice 
> recognition, joysticks, gaming chairs, etc.) that is of potential 
> interest to flight sim enthusiasts.
> If we put banner adds on our web site, and one of our visiters clicks 
> through and buys something from this company (being referred from our 
> site) then we would get a 10% commission from the sale.  I believe there 
> is some flexibility in the design of the banner so perhaps we could have 
> some input so it's not *too* obnoxious.  (?)
> But any way you cut it, putting advertisements on our web site will 
> change the look and feel of our web site and probably influence the 
> impression our project projects to the world ...
> Is this a direction we want to explore?  It wouldn't have to be a 
> permanent thing.  I think we could choose to end the arrangement at any 
> time.  We stop referring potential customers ... no more commissions for 
> us ... I think it's that simple.
> Any thoughts?  Any strong feelings?  We get a pretty good chunk of daily 
> hits so we do have some "referring power" to swing around.  What do you 
> think?  Wrong way down the slippery slope?  Good idea?  I'll buy 
> anything with Curt's personal AAA*** rating?

Would it be a single company or a space broker ? Would you be able to 
control the content of the advertisement ?

I am not opposed if it is related to aviation or computing.


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