There seem to be some issues regarding the XML file processing
and FlightGear's stability:

#       Nasal parse error: empty subexpression in <command>, line 3
#       Failed to execute command nasal
#       Segmentation fault

One problem seems to be related to using combo boxes with insufficient width - but I've encountered similar problems using other PUI controls via XML files, though not all leading everytime to a crash.

Interesting though, the problem does not occur if there's only ONE value
element specified for a combo box.

Even though, I don't thing this is really "critical" - as only
few users are ever going to create their own dialogs, I thought
I should mention it here-this is just a downstripped example
with only the combo box and a close button being present.

I've attached a simple dialog file that shows the mentioned behaviour
in my (2 days old) cvs build.

You'll have to put the crash.xml file into FlightGear/data/gui/dialogs
and add a simple dialog-show command to the menubar.xml file in order
to call it - you can do this while running FlightGear, but you will have
to reload the GUI (menu DEBUG) in order to reload the necessary

Please report if anybody else encounters that problem.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!--Just a demonstration -->
    <!--The width seems to be critical-at least if there are
    strings to be added which are longer than that  -->
    <!-- The problem occurs with only one single value being specified 
    <value>another test</value>


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