Hello John,

It will help if you tell us what error message you saw when FlightGear stops.  
Chances are that the animation script file couldn't find the object it was 
looking for in your mesh file.  But like I've said, it will help if we know 
what the error is.


On July 17, 2004 10:58 pm, Jon Berndt wrote:
> Hi, John:
> This is a question for the FlightGear mailing list. I will forward this
> there.
> Jon
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: 敬 恒 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Friday, July 16, 2004 9:50 PM
> > Subject: Help 3D model about FlightGear.
> >
> >
> > Dear Sir:
> >     Hello. I am a new user of FlightGear, and there are some problems
> > when I use it.
> >  I have downloaded and used the software ‘FlightGear’(0.9.4) for windows.
> > The 3D model files in FlightGear are files with suffix ‘ac’. I want to
> > draw a 3D model by myself, and I have downloaded the software ‘AC3D’ from
> > www.ac3d.org (I haven’t buy the license). The problem is that, the 3D
> > model built by AC3D can not be used in FlightGear. There are the steps I
> > have done next:
> >
> > 1.Draw my own 3D model with the software AC3D and name it as ‘ufo.ac’.
> > 2.Replace the old file ‘ufo.ac’(in
> > C:\FlightGear\data\Aircraft\ufo\Models) by that new
> >   ‘ufo.ac’ which I drew before.
> > 3.Execute ‘FlightGear launcher’.
> >
> > After that, when I select the UFO model in the interface ‘Select an
> > aircraft’, the wrong would appear: the FlightGear would stop. There are
> > some questions I want to ask:
> >
> > 1.Why can’t I use the new 3D model?
> > 2.If I buy the AC3D license, could the 3D model built by AC3D be used in
> > FlightGear?
> > 3.Are there some other ways to make 3D model with suffix ‘ac’? If there
> > are, which
> >   software should I use?
> > 4.Are the steps I have done alright? I beg you some advice.
> >
> > Thank you.
> >
> >
> > Best wishes,
> >
> >
> >                             john
> >                                                     2004.7.17
> >
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