Hi !

Peter Larson wrote:
I'm new here and am having problems with fgsd on Windows XP Pro. I've got a
copy of AC3D and
want to import an object and place it in fgsd, but it keeps crashing when I
try to load the object. Am I missing a support application, or is there
another issue on Windoz?


Don't know if this is relevant for your case, but there were some issues
reported with the latest AC3D version using specific (new) statements
("crease") that aren't yet supported by plib, the current workaround is
to manually remove such statements from any AC3D files that you want to use with FlightGear - as fgsd is likely to also use plib in the same
fashion, I'd recommend to check for any such unsupported statements in
your AC3D file.

If you were running Linux or at least cygwin I'd recommend to
give automatically stripping the relevant stuff by using a shell script
a try, but I think starting notepad and search/replace for occurences
"crease"  should also work to see if that's really the problem.

In case you were already aware of this stuff and this is not your
problem, I'd try to load some other AC3D file - just to verify if
it's really not a problem with the AC3D file but rather the
application itself.

good luck


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