Dave Perry wrote:

> Help!
> Since my CH Yoke and Pedals don't work with the "new" joydev driver in 
> Suse 9.1, I need to use my Saitek Cyborg Evo joystick.  Both js_demo and 
> jstest show all it's axes and buttons working but ony the non DEFANGED 
> functions work in FlightGear (that is aileron, elevator and rudder ... 
> no buttons).
> I had to edit three things in Cyborg-Evo.xml
> 1.  The name displayed by js_demo and jstest is "Saitek Cyborg USB 
> Stick" so I changed the name in the xml file.
> 2.  Axis for hat left/right was 4 (not 6) in jstest.
> 3.  Axis for hat fore/aft was 5 (not 7) in jstest.
> With these changes, only the non-<DEFANGED_script> functions work. 
> Is this xml a work in progress or have I broken something else?
> Some day I will learn not to "upgrade" a working very stable system!

I don't really understand the meaning of DEFANGED, but looking at 
the sources, the nasal subsystem is looking for a property named
<script>, not <DEFANGED_script> so I guess these scripts were 
deactivated by someone before inclusion.

Try to rename to <script> and see if it works.


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