John Wojnaroski said:

> Jim Wilson writes:
> >
> > If it wasn't for the great work on JSBsim and YASim we'd have very few
> > aircraft.  But I think those config files, along with the "source code"
> that
> > ends up interpreting and processing them, both make up the FDMs.  There is
> > considerable skill and effort involved in producing accurate flight models
> for
> > new aircraft isn't there?
> >
> Hmmm, speaking of accuracy.  Do all the new aircraft use the output of the
> Instrumentation model to drive the flight instruments? If that is the case,
> then the 747, YF-23, T-38, 737, etc, etc are using data based on a light
> aircraft pitot-static ssytem and vacuum driven gauges and the associated
> lags and delays. For my 747 project I've decided  to dig into JSBSim to get
> the "raw data" and pass that through an INS/ADC model to drive the glass
> displays.
> Depending on your purpose and application it might be a don't care, but it
> would have an impact on things like autopilots and error
> tracking/man-machine interface research. Just a thought....

The 747-400 3D models of displays and instruments do not use the cooked
"instrumentation" outputs. Off the top of my head the backup AI might be an
exception...not sure.  In any case I've assumed the modern airliner displays
to be quite accurate and responsive and just run directly off the FDM output.



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