Melchior FRANZ said:

> I'm less successful with the VRP scheme than Jim with the c310u3a. The bo105
> looked quite OK all the time, but that's just a coincidence. Actually, there
> must be a bug somewhere ... in YASim?
> The bo105 yasim config treats the nose 'tip' as the origin. But the 3d model
> thinks the main rotor axis is the origin. So one would assume that the xml
> should translate the model accordingly. It doesn't and never did! Still, the
> model seemed to behave OK. Turns happened around a z-axis through the CG
> (approx. the main rotor axis).
> When I noticed that the skids didn't work correctly, I found this VRP bug.
> I shifted the model so that the VRP would agree with the YASim origin
> and changed the view look-at point accordingly. This fixed the skid problem.
> But now it became obvious that yasim turns the bo around the origin (nose
> tip) rather than the CG! This was masked by the VRP bug.

Actually it wasn't, and has nothing to do with VRP.  VRP is just JSBSim's way
of shifting the location where longitude, latitude, and altitude are reported
at.  It has nothing to do with YASim.  This actually enables JSBSim to report
location at something other than 0,0,0.

YASim on the otherhand always reports at 0,0,0.  We've often talked about
standardizing with the "Nose" at 0,0,0 and reporting the location
(lon,lat,alt) there.  Jon added the VRP to JSBSim so that models already
configured with an origin elsewhere could add a parameter that shifts the
reporting location (lon,lat,alt) to the "Nose" without having to mess with the
flight dynamics configuration.

> And now I'm out of ideas. Is it a YASim bug? A bug in YASim's rotor parts?
> A bug in my brain?

Yes, it is a bug in your brain.  Actually everyone's brain.  I've added the
"solution" to the Flight Gear wiki.  This Seed Wiki seems to be a little
clunky, but for now it is the only way we have for getting updated docs online:



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