Hi all,

I dowloaded the newest version I could find (0.9.5a for Windows) and
tried it on my Windows XP Pro SP1 machine. I noticed several things.

1. I can't hear the ATIS voice, even though the frequency is correct
   (it is the one displayed when using the ATC/Frequencies menu).
   Things are working correctly when using 0.9.4.

2. Looking at the charts for a nearby airport (LFMD - Cannes
   Mandelieu) on [1], I noticed two problems in the navaids:
   - a NDB is missing
   - the localizer at LFMD is missings its DME
   - some informations are duplicated (but this does not seem to be
     a problem, actually)
   You will find attached a patch that corrects those problems in

3. I also tried to make sure that, as per the approach charts, the
   LLZ has a heading of 349, instead of being exactly aligned on the
   runway which is 354 in the sim. So I changed the corresponding
   line in nav.dat to the following:

   5   43.556389  006.949444      0 11035     349.000 CMD  LFMD 35 LLZ

   But this did not give the result I expect: the localizer is still
   exactly aligned with the runway. On the other hand, if I use a very
   different value for the heading of the localizer (say, 330), then I
   can see the difference in the sim.

   It seems as if the localizer's heading was 'rounded' to the one of
   the runway when they are close to each other. Did I miss something?

4. Using --aircraft=c172p or --aircraft=c172r-3d-jsbsim, and adding
   a 12 knots wind that comes from 110 degrees on the left of the
   aircraft gives a strange result: the airplane lies on its tail,
   instead of on the front wheel. Try:

     fgfs [EMAIL PROTECTED] --aircraft=c172p --airport-id=KSRB

   This does not happen at KSFO, and it seems that this is thanks to
   the time needed to load the scenery. Maybe there is a problem at
   the very start of the FDM...  It does not happen with

5. Finally, how can I set from the command line the values controled
   with the View -> View distance menu. I'd like to change them
   'permanently', but could not find the properties that they're
   tied to... This would allow me to use a very wide screen
   (1800x768) with a field of view of 90 degrees while still being
   able to read the panel...

   I noticed that I could change the [x,y,z]-offset-m[0] values in
   /sim/current-view to get what I want, but when I set them from the
   command line, those values seem ignored and replaced by the default

 Thanks for your help. 


Xavier Nodet
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin, 1759.

Attachment: paca.patch
Description: Binary data

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Description: PGP signature

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