Jon Berndt wrote:
Hi !

As a user on the FG user list requested a patch from base package
pre2->pre3 in order to reduce download size/time, I was looking for the
required pre2 package, it doesn't seem to be available on anymore - so I decided to look what base package I am
currently using in order to see whether I could simply tar my current
base directory and use this as a patch basis, but there doesn't seem to
be any version information included in the base directory either, nor
does fgfs --version provide _any_ information at all, I think
particularly the version information via command line
should be added ASAP,  possibly even directly available from within

I think that's an excellent idea. I also think that fgfs --version should report the
SimGear, JSBSim, YASim, etc. version numbers.

Sorry to bring this rather old topic back up again, but during my search for FG's XML-handling routines (mentioned in another thread) I stumbled across the files that currently deal with the command line parameters:


That reminded me of this thread - inspired by these files and my newly
obtained knowledge about the property tree ;-) my idea was now the

For SimGear itself it should not be a problem at all to export its own
version information to FlightGear's general property tree on demand,
this could even be a default option, defined by #ifdefs that check
whether FG is being compiled or some other software.

For example into a path like:


or anything like that.

And if the FDMs do also directly link to SimGear, they could also easily export their own version information into the property tree, e.g.


So, if I'm not terribly wrong this would be ONE line of additional
source code for those projects involved.

Of course, I don't know whether all this property-stuff is already
initialized only for the command line parameters ... but it looks like
that, cause fg_props.hxx is included ...

Doing it this way might be worth to think about, cause that way the
whole versioning thing would not be that much a FG thing, but most
of it could be realized having SimGear & the FDMs publish their
version info themselves - so the corresponding display of these
values would probably not be that involved, rather it would only
be about fetching the available version strings from pre-defined
locations within the property tree.

So, the maintainers of the corresponding packages could take
care of all that that themselves, of course this is not really
an option for independent software like plib/openal, but these
would then only be *two* components that require a wrapper.

Finally, version information that's being made available via
the property tree would also have the advantage of being
available within FlightGear's GUI, so it would be a no
brainer to display a summary of the available information in
some kind of "about" or "info" dialog that could be made
available within the help menu.

What do you guys (mainly SimGear & FDM folks) think ?

-------- Boris

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