On Mon, 04 Oct 2004 11:17:07 -0700, John wrote in message 
> A few details...
> Volunteers will get a package of software that contains the TNL 
> libraries and a basic set of software to connect to the ATC net as a 
> controller or pilot. Package will include ALL source code and make
> files for a Linux system.  Sorry, I'm just not an MS type. However, it
> will build under Cygwin.

..GPL?  Url?  

> Building will create two application programs ---  controller and
> pilot
> During the time window for the test you can login to the master as a 
> pilot or controller as in
>  > controller  <IP_address_TBS:port>  or
>  > pilot  < IP_address_TBS:port>
> Both values to be provided at the time of the test...
> As a controller node, initially login will be ack'ed by the master and
> the node added to the master list.  Loggin in as a pilot node
> (assuming a controller node is present) will receive a list of
> controller nodes from the master, at which point a controller node is
> selected from the list and a request is made to the master to arramge
> a connection with the selected controller. (NOTE:  Current selection
> is random, scope criteria are TBS). 
> Once the connection is accepted the controller and pilot exchange a 
> string of "secret data". After about 30-40 secs the connection will be
> broken by either node and a reconnect may or may not be attempted
> (Again a random event at this time to keep things somewhat dynamic and
> unpredictable)
> Test objectives are simple:
> 1) test network loading on the server
> 2) determine latencies issues
> 3) test robustness of master server and protocol for error recovery
> 4) identify/motivate interested participents as future developers
> and/or players
> 5) create a forum for ideas
> For example, it would be possible using FG with a view position from
> the tower to connect several flights from friends and observe their 
> performance while doing circuits and act as the tower controller... 
> Of course, that idea needs a bit more thought and probably a lot more 
> development, but it is doable.
> Regards
> John W.

..med vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt... ;-)
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.

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