On Thu, 21 Oct 2004 09:06:14 -0500
David Culp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Just downloaded a fresh CVS FlightGear and found that the AI code is
>> causing segfaults now.  I'll recompile and run it through gdb.  In the
>> mean time beware that some aircraft that set up AI scenarios by
>> default, like the T-38 or the hunter-2tanks, are crashing the sim.
> I've run it through gdb and didn't get any useful output.  After a few
> hours of detective work with cout's I'm getting this:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] bin]$ ./t38
> FGPropertyManager::GetNode() No node found for fcs/throttle-cmd-norm[0]
> Creating new property
> FGPropertyManager::GetNode() No node found for fcs/throttle-cmd-norm[1]
> Creating new property
> Starting FGAIManager::bind()
> Finished FGAIManager::bind()
> Creating new scenario: refueling_demo
> Creating an AIAircraft
> Created an AIAircraft
> Scenario has been processed.
> ./t38: line 24:   662 Aborted                 /home/dave/bin/fgfs
> $cmdline
> The sim is crashing before the first call to FGAIManager::update(),
> however the init() is working fine, and the scenario gets processed and
> an AI aircraft is created properly.  AFAIK the AI subsystem doesn't do
> anything else between bind() and update(), so the property system (as
> pointed out by Fred) might be a good place to look. 

Hmmm.  I was having a problem that I was starting to write up the night
before last, until I saw your post.  I thought it was the same problem,
and you'd reported it.  But now I'm beginning to wonder if they *were*
the same problem.  I get the impression from the above that your segfaults
are occuring promptly, at the beginning of the scenario.

I'm getting segfaults that seem related to the AI subsystem.  They occur
when I turn AI traffic on through the menu.  They seem more frequent
as I turn the AI traffic density up from 1 to 3.  But they don't occur
promptly upon start; instead, they almost always occur when I'm on final
for a landing.  --log-level=debug shows no useful messages -- there's
just an abrupt end.  But if I don't enable the AI traffic, I don't get
the segfaults.


Chris Metzler                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                (remove "snip-me." to email)

"As a child I understood how to give; I have forgotten this grace since I
have become civilized." - Chief Luther Standing Bear

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