On October 21, 2004 07:57 pm, Paul Kahler wrote:
> And I thought joining this mailing list would get me
> into something different.....  ;-)
> Ray tracing is not ready for real-time flight simulation.
> I'm speaking from experience here. I used to be on the
> same mailing list as those OpenRT guys. I also wrote the
> renderer behind rtChess:
> http://www.newimage.com/~rhk/rtchess/
> Which BTW, is available for download (the game) and comes
> with docs. Be sure you right-click to drag the board
> around. Use the Space-bar for options menu. Unlike most
> chess games, you can probably beat this one.
SDL isn't the only thing that is needed.  I've got the following error:

error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3: cannot open 
shared object file: No such file or directory

I apt-get the libstdc++6 package, but the error is still there.


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