On Sun, 7 Nov 2004 17:14:44 +0100, Arnt Karlsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> ..eh, in RL, you often _can't_ see the ground at night, just lights.

I'll confirm that.  The runway and taxiway lights are aimed up and do
not illuminate the pavement at all (not even a tiny area around each
light).  That's why you need landing (and often taxi) lights.  Even
with a landing/taxi light, taxiing on a cloudy or moonless night is
enormously difficult -- you can hardly see the yellow line or the
turnoffs, and most of the time you're just rolling through a sea of

If anything, the ground in FlightGear is too bright at night.  It's
appropriate for a well-lit urban area or a full moon on a clear night,
but the runway is far too bright for a cloudy night.

> For example, do we properly model the impact on night vision
> from hypoxia?

That's a surprisingly sneaky thing in real life.  At night, descending
from (say) 6,000 ft enroute altitude to the airport, I have a couple
of times had a *lot* of trouble finding the airport at night.  I don't
feel like I'm having trouble seeing; it's just that the lights don't
stand out.  That's never a problem if I'm lined up with the runway on
an approach, because those lights are so bright and directional, but
even then judging the flare is a big challenge.

All the best,



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