Curtis L. Olson schrieb:

Christian Mayer wrote:

What you might try is putting a bezier patch through the points. The Bezier curve guarantees you that it won't leave the convex hull of your points. But it won't go through your controll points (what you actually want to achive to smooth your data...)
And IIRC bezier curves are good conditioned.

How would I determine the control points?

I'd take the noisy hight resolution DEM-data as the control points. The bezier surface will automatically smooth the data then.

The bezier surface won't go through the control points - except the start and endpoint (in the 1D/2D case; in 3D the border points)

I suggest you try an interactive demo of bezier lines (are the bezier surface demos as well?) in the internet. There are many Java-applet implementations arround.

Well, googling for "bezier 2d" gave me:
(not exactly what you are looking for, but it looked like an easy to read "memory refresher")

It would be great if I didn't have to write and debug my own bezier library, are you aware of any existing code that could help me out here?

I don't know any implementations, but I'm sure Norman's sources are as good as they allways are. :)

BTW: At least in the case of bezier lines the implementation is very easy. I've done it a few times already. It's so easy that I prefer writing it myself than reading foreign code ;)


PS: (Nearly) every paint/graphics programm has bezier curves.
PPS: The reason why NURBS are thought of the "best splines" is just their flexibility (you can model exact circles). But in reality more simple splines are usually better suited
PPPS: You can fill whole lectures on the pro and cons of the different splines

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