On Monday 08 November 2004 16:31, Arthur Wiebe wrote:
> I will. (Not that I've been trying that hard lately)
> The biggest problem is getting plib to compile and install. But then
> again my problem was with simgear. I have some new ideas now and will
> try them out. If ever I break through the ice you'll hear from me. :-)

What problems were you having with compiling plib/Simgear?  I have compiled 
flightgear on G4 Powerbook (10.3) and don't remember having any real problems 
with plib.  The biggest problem that I remember was changing path's to GL 
since Apple has the OpenGL framework.  There is probably some autotools 
wizardry that would solve this (or some other means, symlinks), but I was 
just tinkering while I was on a trip.  I'll try to find some time to clean it 
up and post a how-to on the wiki.  I assume fltk+fgrun will compile for OSX 
and want to get that going before I make an image to download.

I also have completed a Suse 9.1 RPM and will upload that to a site later this 
week when I'm done testing it.  I'm getting no less than 70 fps and most 
often >120 fps going through and around SF on a GeForce FX5900 running Suse 
9.1 with the dlist and plib patches :> Thanks! Still haven't had a chance to 
try X.org CVS for my 9200 first edition; and yes, Martin, it's flightgear 
that is using 450+MB of the 512MB of memory causing the paging out to disk 
and can be isolated to the dlist call. 


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