"Norman Vine" wrote:

> I would suggest adding them to a PostGIS database which when 
> appropriately indexed has *quick* respones.
> http://postgis.refractions.net

Is there a converter which generates SQL-scripts for PostGIS similar to
'shp2pgsql' ? I have a PostGIS server running here at home - mostly as
a playground to help understanding how things are working - and would
be happy to fiddle with the TIGER data.
I was already trying to push Paul Surgeon to make his ideas about
airport layouts PostGIS-compatible, but for good reasons he can't ....

> Note mapserver is easy to set up to serve PostGIS data
> http://mapsereg.gis.umn.edu either interactively or as a WMS
> image server i.e  georeferenced textures could be served 
> directly to an application

I was thinking in a similar direction (serving roads, rivers, railways,
lakes and airports from a database) but as I understand, PostGIS
doesn't store raster data, only 2D geometries. Right ?

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