On Tuesday 23 November 2004 16:30, Melchior FRANZ wrote:
> Should have tried the FA-18A. Completely unusable there. You immediately
> end up between the pilot's legs and there's no way to get back up. But can
> go further down and watch the scenery through the open front wheel bay.
> Resetting fgfs doesn't help either. But once fixed this feature will be
> very useful.

Yes, that's what happened in the Airbus too, and it should also happen to any 
large aircraft. You can easily fix this by making the min and max values in 
mice.xml greater. I set them to -10 and 10 meters respectively for both x and 
y axes, I guess that should be enough for most aircraft.

Setting these limits to reasonable values (inside the cockpit) for every 
aircraft would be, as you can imagine, quite a labourous job. Maybe someone 
over on the users list would be willing to have a go at it? Every so often I 
see users that ask how to contribute.

Roy Vegard Ovesen

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