On Sat, 18 Dec 2004 20:20:37 +0000, Dave Martin

> Simulated carb icing might be exciting too (coupled to weather, of
> course :-) )
> It would certainly make you remember to pull the lever ;)

Some day, we might model then entire air induction system, the way
that we model the electrical or vacuum system.  For example, the early
Cessna 172s, like the Cessna 150/152, used Continental engines with
the air intake right under the propeller, a couple of inches from the
carburetor -- you can imagine that it didn't take much to get carb
icing, or even just to block the intake air filter with impact ice.

In my Warrior, on the other hand, the air scoop inlet is a bit to the
right of the prop (looking from the cockpit), then it goes through a
duct about 15 inches long, heated by nearby exhaust pipes before
turning 90 degrees to pass through the air filter (i.e. no direct
impact ice) and then travel a bit further into the box that controls
air input into the carb above it.  Needless to say, carb icing in a
Cherokee is extremely rare, and pulling carb heat is not a regular
part of the landing procedure.  I think that the later Lycoming 172s
like the 172p have a similar induction system, but I haven't looked
under the cowling of one.  I've heard from several sources that
pulling carb heat with every power reduction in the later 172s is just
a holdover from the earlier 172 procedures.

All the best,



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