On Monday 10 Jan 2005 23:42, Andy Ross wrote:
> [bouncing replies to flightgear-devel]
> David Megginson wrote:
> > I don't know if we're modelling this or not, but with full power you
> > often need a lot of rudder to keep a plane straight during the
> > takeoff roll even when there is no crosswind.  During the landing
> > roll, with no power, it is a lot easier.
> YASim is definitely not doing this right.  This is because in a real
> plane the wheel casters a little, which has the effect of twisting the
> nosewheel away from the wind.  On planes with a direct linkage between
> the nosewheel and the rudder, this is essentially the same as applying
> a control force.  YASim doesn't model this kind of "castering torque"
> on the nosewheel.
> I know Curt was complaining to me once about an aircraft that would
> yaw violently in crosswinds once the nose came up -- I think this was
> the reason.  When the nosewheel is on the ground, it isn't trying to
> "steer into the wind" like a real plane would be; so on rotation the
> pilot hasn't applied the right amount of correcting rudder.
> Modelling this would involve some complicated per-airplane
> configuration, I think.  I guess we could start by defining a
> "castering distance" (distance from the wheel contact point to the
> rotation axis) and interpolate the force as linear across the full
> rudder travel to get a effecting "rudder trim" setting.  Other planes
> (I know the 152, probably other Cessnas) have a spring connecting the
> nosewheel to the rudder cables, so they will see a similar but smaller
> effect.
> Then again, some planes have fully castering nosewheels with no rudder
> linkage and steer with braking.  These get modelled correctly as-is.
> Andy

Getting the whole ground-handling sorted out would be nice.

Other things like aircraft weather-cocking while stationary in light winds and 
odd ground handling etc.

Just my 2p worth. (IANAP) ;-)

Dave Martin

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