Ampere K. Hardraade ha scritto:
You can also send it to me.  I should be able to export it for you.


P.S. Being in a BridgeCommander modding community once, I was pretty sure that GMax can export meshes into 3ds formats. hmm...

Maybe some old release did. I know gmax since a few days only and it explicitly does not.

Well, thank you very much but ... I've found the solution: a 3DStudioMax enabled machine to which I will have full access for free :-) It's so good to have friends who work with commercials.

Currently I'm getting mad with Mapping Coordinates and Orientations :-(
You know, mapping each side of a building with real bitmaps gives a taste of reality, which still lacks to fgfs, but requires some additional work.

Anyway, as soon as some 3D objects get ready I'll park them on the web so that everyone can give a look, his own comment and any kind of suggestion.


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