On Wednesday 19 Jan 2005 21:21, Chris Metzler wrote:
> On Wed, 19 Jan 2005 21:02:10 +0000
> Dave Martin wrote:
> > The authors would have no recourse then. If they had willingly licenced
> > their work under the GPL, they are permitting anyone to make commercial
> > use of their models / work providing that credit is not removed
> Just for clarification, you have to be careful about that last bit.
> The GPL allows this because you copyright your creation and you write
> a copyright notice in your name.  The GPL requires that all the copies
> come with a copyright notice.  However, things like "CREDITS" files
> and so forth are not protected under the GPL; the GPL does not require
> that credit not be removed, apart from protecting the copyright notice.
> In fact, the GPL prevents such a restriction from being placed on a work
> released under it.  That fact was at the heart of the conflict over the
> new XFree86 license; most Linux distributions have dumped XFree86 over
> its subsequent incompatibility with the GPL.
> -c

I think I misworded that a bit. I was meaning the 'one liner' that is often 
added to the GPL copyright notice which includes the originating Author's 

> one line to give the program's name and an idea of what it does.
> Copyright (C) yyyy  name of author

I was always under the impression that was the notice to remain intact?


Dave Martin

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