On Wednesday 19 January 2005 06:53, Christian Mayer wrote:
> Thanks for all the replies.
> They brought me on the right track.
> The solution I've got now is also known as the "Barton and Nackman Trick".
> It's a bit pervert - but totaly legal C++ code:
> template<typename leaftype>
> class A
> {
>   leaftype& asLeaf()
>   { return static_cast<leaftype&>(*this); }
> public:
>   bool foo( leaftype bar )
>   { return asLeaf().foo( bar ); }
> };
> class B : public A<B>
> {
> public:
>   bool foo( B bar )
>   { return /*...*/; }
> }
> The Barton and Nackman trick is important to avoid virtual function
> where they are too slow (i.e. when the additional pointer lookup hurts
> performance)
> CU,
> Christian
Thanks for sharing this. This prompted me to go look at my copy
of Barton and Nackman (Scientific and Engineering C++). Reminds that it
is a rather good book and I should read it more often. But I couldn't find
this trick in more than a half day trying.
Richard Harke

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