"Curtis L. Olson" said:

> >
> >The biggest tradeoffs seemed to be in trying to balance high end performance,
> >(e.g. altitude, speed) against having enough drag to get reasonable behavior
> >at lower power settings.  It seems pretty common for yasim models to glide 
> >too
> >much (excessive lift/insufficient drag) when cutting the power.
> >  
> >
> Jim,
> I think this is more a factor of getting the right actual power output 
> from the engine.  If the engine output is too low, you are going to get 
> up with a "slick" model that glides forever.  If the engine output is 
> too high you are going to end up with a "draggy" model that slows down 
> too quickly.  I remember you struggling with trying to model the complex 
> p51 engine gearing correctly in yasim and maybe that never came out 
> right and you ended up with a severely under powered model.
> If that is the case, yasim will reduce drag and make your wing lift 
> better so that you can still hit the performance numbers.
> For the Citation-II I felt like Yasim did a pretty good job.  I haven't 
> really hit the validation end of it hard, but I was getting plausible 
> performance throughout the envelope.
> I think the big trick is to get the engine power output in the right 
> ball park, then everything else starts falling into place much better.

Yes, I'm aware of the theory behind fixing these issues,  but from the
beginning I was compensating for them and getting reasonable thrust numbers (I
think you are thinking of Vivian with the spitfire).  On the last round Andy
made some code changes, but I got stuck with solver issues when trying to
crank up a little more power.  Also I did not mention that there are some
subtle problems that affect handling the aircraft during takeoffs that come
into play when you start "tweaking".  I vaguely remember a further problem
with Yasim in connection with engine power,  but it'll require getting my head
back into it before I know for sure.



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