On Friday 28 January 2005 18:20, Curtis L. Olson wrote:
> Oliver C. wrote:
> >On Friday 28 January 2005 05:14, Curtis L. Olson wrote:
> >>I'm told there is a way to do this with shaders, but plib/ssg doesn't
> >>support shaders. :-(
> >>
> >>Curt.
> >
> >What happended about Manual Massing's new alternative terrain engine?
> >http://www.mail-archive.com/flightgear-devel@flightgear.org/msg29480.html
> >
> >Does it support shaders and does it get now integrated into Flightgear?
> >As far as i understood, it is using its own scene graph so
> >we would be independent from the plib library and this allows us to use
> >VBO, shaders and multitexturing without the need to wait for an update of
> > the plib library.
> It's not that easy.  The plib scene graph lib is woven throughout our
> code.  3d models of aircraft, 3d cockpits, all the animation code is
> hardwired into plib structures.

Are there plans or better a planned release date
when the missing features will get added into plib? 

> We will look into Manual's new terrain engine,

Nice to hear. :)

> but there again, he may 
> have a few small areas available to fly in, but it's not just a drop in
> replacement that gives us the whole world.  From what I've seen it does
> a nice job of drawing quality terrain. But it's unclear how well that
> will scale to the entire world.  Certainly the data sizes to represent
> the whole world for this engine will be extreme.  Probably 100x what our
> current approach uses.

But this is because of the landsat textures. 

I was more interested in the engine itself.
At the moment we use generic textures to cover the whole world.
This approach is okay, because it allows us to keep the scenery data small.
But the thing that is missing at the current engine is multi texturing.
With multi texturing we could still use generic textures but
the scenery would look more diversified because multitexturing allows us to 
add random distorting textures to the base textures, the result is more  
variety. MS does use the same approach at their FS2004, but we can't use this 
at the moment  because plib and the existing FG engine does not (AFAIK) 
support multitexturing.
The other nice things which the alternate Engine allows and are good
to have are the imposter in the background, VBO rendering etc.

So i was more thinking about using this new engine to render generic 
multitextured sceneries instead of large landsat images.
But of course it would also be good to be able to use landsat images
for selected areas like large cities.

> This is some *very* difficult stuff and we need to move slowly and
> cautiously to avoid breaking everything.

I understand.
Are there ways to follow the changes and engine integration?

Best Regards,
 Oliver C.

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