Roman Grigoriev wrote:
Hi guys!
I want ask you about integrating normal maps into fgfs.
Scenery with normal maps look good but you have to load them during fgfs
we have material loader that reads from materials.xml and load textures and
other properties
current version of plib doesn't support multitexturing so here is to
different ways:
make a plib patch for flightgear that support multitextures or make own
texture state selector.
second way is bit tricky so i decide to make multitexture plib support and
adopt fgfs to new state selector that work with many texture slots. I saw
normal mapper in CVS source directory and think that someone (maybe you
Erik) work in this direction. So maybe we discuss this problem and I
implement finally normal mapping for flightgear.

Yes, It was my intention to work towards adding normalmap support for the scenery. This is already available for the 2d clouds code (Frederic developed it). It was my intention to see whether we could improve the heightmap resolution by adding normal maps (like the terrain engine developed by Manuel Massing does).

Frederic once wrote a plib patch to add multitexturing by someone thought it was an ancient technology and everything should be done by shaders in the future. First I don't think we ;live in the future end secondly I don't think shaders will be fast enough to do _everything_ using shaders.

I'm not sure what would be the best solution but patches for plib are a waste of time.


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