Drew wrote:
> I'm not really interested in how other 3D apps, including games,
> work...I have a specific application, and I want to optimize the
> code for this purpose, regardless of what the status quo is.

And the proper way to do that optimization is to figure out what the
actual symptom is.  Which requires testing a hypothesis ("is it due to
CPU usage?") by changing one parameter ("open a window" vs. "run a
looping perl script") at a time in order to isolate the symptom
("complicated window system interaction" vs. "pure CPU usage").

It seems to me that you have gone backwards: you picked a favorite
"fix" before knowing what the problem is.  The bottom line is that
performance analysis is really complicated.  You can't cook it down to
a single number like CPU usage (or "load" -- a equally flawed Unix
favorite) if you really want to fix a problem.


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