> From: Andy Ross
> Vivian Meazza wrote:
> > I have the same problem with Main/renderer.cxx. Your solution (or
> > one very like it) solves the problem. I guess near/far are reserved
> > words in Cygwin?
> Goodness, that brings back memories.  The near and far keywords are
> holdovers from 16 bit DOS compilers.  They are still defined (as
> noops) for compatibility with ancient code.
> Basically, the 8086 had 16 bit registers, so a single instruction
> could only address memory within a 64k range (which was defined by the
> appropriate segment register).  This 16 bit object was called a "near"
> pointer.  If you wanted to see things outside that range, you needed
> to use multiple instructions to first load a segment register and then
> execute the load.
> (This really wasn't so insane if you think about it -- the original
> idea for a typical was that all the code would go in a 64k segment,
> the heap data in another and the stack in a third; this 192k address
> space was larger than that available to Unix programs running on a
> PDP-11, for instance.  It seemed like a good solution at the time.  It
> didn't become a problem until typical interactive PC applications
> started needed hundreds of kilobytes of address space.  For 1976, it
> was actually pretty elegant.)

I can remember the pain too :-).  Actually it was a limitation of what could be 
for hardware at the time (which I think you already know).  The 16 bit address 
(max 64k value) was a pretty cool step up, and quite a dramatic improvement 
over the 
8 bit especially in micro chips. (As was the 32 later).  The addressing scheme 
merely a comprimise for what could be done.  The orginization of IBM PC Bios 
layout on 
the other hand was a design choice based on expectations of what would be 
possible for 
the architecture in 1980 vision.  And that sure caused some pain!



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