Steve Hogood wrote:
> Some of the folk on this list are private pilots from what I see being
> discussed. How well do those pilots reckon the simulated aircraft in
> FlightGear mimic the real ones, given that the FDMs are (apparently)
> empirically created from the aircraft's basic layout and physical
> properties?

That's true of YASim, but not JSBSim which can take real, measured
data if you have it.  The problem with real data, of course, is that
in general it lies (or doesn't make sense in isolation -- same deal),
and at best isn't available in all regimes, or at all.

The kind of fidelity you are asking for is a straw man.  No simulator
is going to provide it.  You could just as easily point at a 40
million dollar military sim and say "it doesn't do this, this and
this, so it's a toy!".  If simulators could be perfect, pilots
wouldn't train in real aircraft.

If you have complaints, make them.  If you want features, ask.
Trolling like this (yes, this is trolling, even if you don't realize
it) isn't helping anyone or anything.

Basically, grow up. :)


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