* Erik Hofman -- Wednesday 13 April 2005 14:40:
> Melchior FRANZ wrote:
> > adds a little vertical extra space on top (and uglifies my inconsistent
> > fake window close buttons. ;-)
> I'm not sure I follow this, I can't see anything obviously wrong and in 
> fact it shouldn't.

Right. Looked at your patch, and I don't see where it could cause that.
It's probably Andy's layouter that mistakes the color nodes for objects to
put padding around. We'll be able to educate it.

> Yes, I do have something in mind but I'm not even nearly close to that. 
> It might not happen at all (although I do hope so). In the mean time 
> it's just fun to play with :-)

Oh, yes. I'll probably add some color to my bo105 dialog (until someone
tells me not to, because it's inconsistent. :-)

What colors could be used for (apart from toying around):

 - for coloring widgets that deal with colors (color sliders, etc.)

 - for switching dialogs to "night" mode when flying at (virtual) night
   (black or dark grey with red font; bright dialogs hurt if your eyes
   are dark-adapted)

 - for making window title bars (see below)

 - for color-coding of dialogs (?; navigation dialogs blue; weather dialogs
   green; aircraft specific dialogs yellow, etc.)

If you have followed the recent bo105/material dialog development, you may
have noticed some things that I have tried out:

 - a fake window title bar with exit button for dialogs that are intended to
   be kept open for a while, and from which you possibly have more than one
   open at the same time. For these a centered "Quit" button on the bottom
   seemed inappropriate. I'm aware that this is inconsistent with other dialogs,
   but it's IMHO something to consider. And we can still remove it again
   later.  (see for example: Shift-C when flying the bo105)

 - an aircraft specific dialog (see TAB key when flying the bo105):
   The TAB key shows that dialog, and pressing TAB *again* makes it disappear
   again. This key is easy and quickly to find and stands out. I think that
   it should be reserved for this kind of aircraft specific dialogs.[1][2]

 - also, there should be one reserved key for an aircraft help dialog that
   lists all special keys ("Ctrl-D: open/close bomb door" etc.) Every aircraft
   that uses more than just default keys should IMHO have such a dialog.
   It's easy enough to do via Nasal. (I'll make one such dialog for the
   bo105 in the next submission.) But which key?  

   I suggest the question mark key "?" (63) which is still free.


[1] don't complain about the Nasal error when pressing the "Reload" button
    and no weapons are selected. It's fixed here, and will be in the next

[2] yes, I'm aware that TAB and Ctrl-I have the same key code, and that Ctrl-I
    is already used for the "Instruments" dialog. The dialog is available from
    the menu and really doesn't need a key. It will lose that key!  :-P

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