Michael G. Grizansky wrote:
> I noticed an earlier post regarding the A-10 yasim model with the
> same error and the repair seemed a simple typo repair, ( filght
> vs. light) in the control area.  Is there some way I could perform
> some maintennance on this model or am I bumping up against a steep
> wall.

Sure, if you like.  Check out the README.yasim document for a start,
and maybe read through the archives for issues other people have had.
The error message you are seeing indicates that the solver runs out of
elevator authority before it can get to the approach angle of attack
specified in the configuration file.  The standard way to fix this
involves some combination of:

+ Increase the elevator authority in its flap definition.
+ Increase the horizontal stabilizer "effectiveness"
+ Move the c.g. rearward with ballast.

But again: it is unlikely that this model will be maintained in the
future.  The standard FlightGear 172 is a JSBSim model, and it works
quite well.  If there is something specific you need from the Skyhawk
model, you might best be served by modifying the JSBSim one.  And if
you want a YASim lightplane, definitely check out the pa28-161.  This
is very well tuned (by David Megginson, who actually owns such a
Cherokee) and works great.


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