On Wed, 25 May 2005 23:01:52 +0200
Frederic Bouvier wrote:
> No kidding, you are the first to show a convincing scenery enhancement 
> without using photo-scenery.
> Generic textures are not dead ;-)

At one point, I used fgsd to do what I thought was some nice work in the
Washington, D.C. area as preparatory to laying out ground structures I
had done or was going to do.  The course of the Potomac River is about
500m from its correct location in the FG scenery as is, so I fixed that,
changed material settings for various ground triangles, made some "inlet"
areas that didn't exist in the FG scenery, etc.  It looked nice, I thought.
And KDCA no longer sat on a table that hovered out in the middle of
nowhere like it previously did (and does now).

Then a new version of the FG scenery came out, and one of its big
advantages was a fix to a bug which occasionally produced sharp steps
in ground elevation where the ground should slope more smoothly.  This
was significant because this bug had made the main runway at KDCA
unusable because of a sharp step in the middle.  I went with the new
scenery, getting full access to the runway; but I lost the terrain
changes I'd done with fgsd in the process.  I haven't re-done them
since, out of fear that I'd either have to throw them out again with
the next FG scenery set, OR would keep them and at the very least have
odd artifacts around the tile edges where one transitions from old
scenery tile to the new stuff (and of course miss out on any improvements
to the scenery generation algorithms that would have impacted the
tile(s) in question).

I think fgsd is cool, and I really enjoy playing with it; but if I
had the infinite amount of free time all of us wish we had, I'd work
on TerraGear drawing its info from some kind of GIS, and implementing
some way (in fgsd and/or other tools) to update that info, so that
"fixes" to the terrain could propagate upstream and be included in
future scenery builds, removing the need to fix the terrain over and
over and over.  I know, I know, we've all talked about this before,
and pretty much everyone thinks its a good idea, and no one has the
time.  I really really wish I did.


Chris Metzler                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                (remove "snip-me." to email)

"As a child I understood how to give; I have forgotten this grace since I
have become civilized." - Chief Luther Standing Bear

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