A propsal regarding the generalization of aircraft systems


Currently, the electrical system seems to be the only system that can be 
configured by the user.  Other systems are either fully hardcoded into 
Flightgear, or have yet to be modelled.  Since dedication to code that 
simulates such thing as hydraulic or bleed air system isn't going to appear 
anytime soon, it is my opinion that it might be a good idea to modify the 
electrical system into a more abstract/generic form.  The idea is to make the 
simulation of other aircraft systems easier.  Of course, instead of being 
hardcoded into Flightgear, unique behaviours to individual system may have to 
make user-configurable somehow.


Why should the electrical system be made generic?

Take the electrical system, hydraulic system, and bleed air system as the 
examples.  All these system are basically different forms of moving something 
from point A, through medium B, to point C.  That battery on the electrical 
system is similar in function to the hydraulic fluid accumlator, or the air 
tank in the bleed air system.  In fact, they can all be modelled using a 
Queue... or a Stack, storing a table of values.  The electrical bus, 
hydraulic and bleed air lines are similar in functions, and its 
implementation can be as simple as *b = &a; (in C's terms).  Because there 
are so many commonalities between these systems, it would be wise to combine 
them into one piece of code, and implements the behaviours of a specific 
system using extensions.

Possible benfitis:

By generalizing systems, a framework is created which will make life easier 
for other developers who wish to create new aircraft systems.  I guess what I 
am trying to advocate here is OOP for aircraft systems.  To make this 
approach more flexible and worthwhile, Nasal should be allowed to define the 
system's behaviour.  This way, Nasal scripts can be served as templates in 
the creation of new aircraft systems for Flightgear, or allow non-programmers 
like me to create new aircraft system without having to use C++.  Let's say I 
want to define a datalink system between avionics, all I would have to do is 
treat the Queues as the buffers and write strings into them.

Possible issues:

As with any other dependency, there is a danger that changes to the generic 
system may break all the aircraft systems.  Therefore, should this proposal 
gets implemented, the generic system would need to be implmented in such a 
way to keep possible changes to the minimium.  Also, having everything based 
on a single framework would create single point failure.  Hence, the generic 
system would need to be very robust, or more than one implementation would be 


My intention is to bring attention to the simulation of aircraft systems, and 
start some discussions among developers.  I hope someone will take this 
proposal into consideration.


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