Just checked in a JSBSim.hxx and JSBSim.cxx to JSBSim CVS that makes crash 
handling user-configurable.  The default behavior is the current 
"subterranean flying" behavior.  If the user sets the property 
"/sim/pause-on-crash" to true, then the sim will pause on crash, which is the 
same behavior Yasim has, so this should be the default for FlightGear.  If 
the user sets the property "/sim/reset-on-crash" to true, then the sim will 
reset on crash.

As for the "/fdm/jsbsim" property cloning problem, this has been around for 
some time now.  Any reset of FlightGear while using a JSBSim aircraft will 
cause another "/fdm/jsbsim" node to be created.  I've tried stopping that but 
have had no luck.  There are several people using properties from 
"/fdm/jsbsim" to drive instruments and they are possibly used in some nasal 
scripts, so this problem breaks some of their panels, and maybe more things.  

I'm copying this to the flightgear-devel list.


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