> Vivian Meazza wrote:
> >Mathias Fröhlich wrote
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >>On Mittwoch 15 Juni 2005 11:00, Vivian Meazza wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>>>When browsing Mark Harris' web page I got the impression that he
> >>>>simulates the
> >>>>airflow.
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>This one?
> >>>
> >>>http://www.markmark.net/clouds/
> >>>
> >>>I can't find any reference in the site or the papers there to
> simulating
> >>>airflow. It just renders clouds.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>http://www.markmark.net/cloudsim/index.html
> >>
> >>Look into that. I believed that this was integrated somehow. That looks
> >>phantastic and does things like that.
> >>Watch the video on the bottom of that page.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >Wonderful - just what we need! However, where's the code? I don't think
> it's
> >what we have. The OpenGL stuff for download from Mark's site just renders
> >cloud. This is "Simulation of Cloud Dynamics on Graphics Hardware"
> >
> >>From his paper:
> >
> >"5. Hardware Implementation
> >
> >As mentioned before, we perform all of the numerical
> >computation for our cloud simulator in the programmable,
> >floating point fragment unit of a graphics processor."
> >
> >Hmmm. Have I got this one wrong?
> >
> >Mark's code (OpenGL) renders up to 51 fixed shape clouds. His lighting
> and
> >shading is good. I like the way the aircraft penetrates cloud from an
> >outside view. Harald's clouds are nicer, more varied, but perhaps not
> quite
> >as well lit and shaded. The cloud penetration from an outside view could
> be
> >improved (and I'm sure will be). Mark's code does not seem to be under
> >active development, while Harald's is. I therefore support the retirement
> of
> >Mark's OpenGL code.
> >
> >Of course, if we can go the "Simulation of Cloud Dynamics on Graphics
> >Hardware" route, then wow! All bets are off.
> >
> >Anyone know how to program graphics hardware so that any/all cards would
> >work?
> >
> >V.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> On Harris pages there is two different things.
> One is about cloud rendering - physical aspect of scattering of light
> and technical implementation using dynamic billboards, etc.
> The other is about simulating the formation of clouds (and simulating
> fluids in general).
> The 'Skywork' code available on his site and integrated in FG only
> handle the rendering, the simulation of formation of clouds is usually
> non real time anyway. It could be done realltime of course, it all
> depends of the degree of realism one wants. Other papers show how to do
> that with non physical rules and still have nice results.
> See Dobashi and Nishita paper :
> http://nis-lab.is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~nis/abs_sig.html#sig00
> About the current lighting of clouds : I admit that it is very
> simplistic but it has at least the advantage of being light
> for the cpu and the graphic card.
> Now it is possible to integrate the Harris lighting method with the
> existing code and have something perhaps not so far
> from his rendering. This is easy to do, I could make a prototype (err
> when I have a free moment).

That would be very nice indeed; then we would have the best of both worlds.
The cloud penetration method is probably the biggest difference visually.


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