Le jeudi 16 juin 2005 à 23:01 +0200, Oliver C. a écrit : 
> On Thursday 16 June 2005 20:34, Harald JOHNSEN wrote:
> > I was thinking of using some pixel shader for one or two effects.
> > This would be with the arbvp1 & arbfp1 type shader. Of course I won't
> > write them in assembler by would
> > use Cg to produce the assembler source.
> > The use or arb type program should limit the dependencies on standard
> > opengl driver.
> The GLSL is part of OpenGL 2.0 and NVidia has allready OpenGL 2.0 compliant 
> drivers for Linux and Windows. So OpenGL 2.0 with GLSL is IMHO the way to go.
> >
> > But before starting anything like that I first want to know if :
> > 1) people have program shader capable cards (ie FX5200+ or ati9500+)
> > No need to code lot of things if only 5% of the user can see them.
> > Normaly a good percentage should have correct
> > cards (or will have in the next 6 month) but I feel that some still use
> > olders cards.
> I have a Geforce 4 Ti but that's not a problem, i can upgrade later when it 
> makes sense. :)
> The only thing that is important for me now, is an option to turn it off
> and it must stay vendor neutral and crossplatform compatible.
> So, please don't use specific OpenGL Extensions that only run on
> specific hardware. Instead use only what OpenGL 2.0 offers in a neutral way.
> > No need to code lot of things if only 5% of the user can see them.
> You can be sure, that i will be able to see it some day (in a couple of 
> months 
> -> next videocard is allready planned).
> So this shouldn't hinder you.
> > 2) you think it's a good idea to enhance a bit some visual aspect of
> > Flightgear or you think that only simulation count
> > and all the rest is useless eye candy ;)
> No, i like eye candy very much and see it as an important factor for 
> flightgear beside the physic code and other things.
> So when you can improve it, then please, improve it. :)
> Best Regards,
>  Oliver C.
Whe must pay attention about the New OpenGL 2.0.
You probably remember, recently i have been fighting with my new NVidia
GT6600 (OpenGL 2.0) and the last Linux driver (OpenGL 2.0), those are
perfectly working. 
BUT An Exception FG, does not.
I have found in FG itself a functionality about lighting animation which
makes the problem.
It was working with the older drivers (OpenGL 1.5).
I had to patch FG, because i need a hight speed graphic card, 
I don't hope any come back from NVidia.
The graphics card suplyer, don't take care with the old releases, they
answer to the instant mass request.
With FG Beware OpenGL 2.0.


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