Martin Spott writes:

> David Luff wrote:
> > Can I jump-in here and say to everyone that updated airports should
> > be sent to Robin Peel now.
> So I assume he accepted all changes that you've been collecting until
> now ?

All of the one's I sent him, yes, which is about half of them, including all of 
yours.  (Including the recent small airport additions in N Germany / Denmark 
?).  There was a slight problem with LCHM though - at the moment his data has 
your taxiways from v6 but the runways from v5, so they don't line up.  I'll 
send it again and remind him about the runways!  Hopefully I'll get rid of the 
rest of the data onto him by the time he updates again.

Robin is using TaxiDraw himself now, as are a number of the regular X-Plane 
contributors, so there really should be no problem now :-)

Cheers - Dave

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