
by running Flightgear I noticed that although Simgear was able to compile
with the following changes a severe run-time error occured.

The problem is the definition of isinf and isnan in the follwoing files

simgear/scene/cloudfield.cxx and

    #if defined (__APPLE__)
    // any C++ header file undefines isinf and isnan
    // so this should be included before <iostream>
    inline int (isinf)(double r) { return isinf(r); }
    inline int (isnan)(double r) { return isnan(r); }

The code behaves like an endless loop.

The solution is:
1) delete the definition of isinf because it is never used,
2) define isnan different.

After the change the definition in both files should be:

#if defined (__APPLE__)
// any C++ header file undefines isinf and isnan
// so this should be included before <iostream>
inline int (isnan)(double r) { return !(r <= 0 || r >= 0); }

The other changes are:

         line 874: int to GLint

         line 112: int to GLint

        line 221: int to GLint
        line 294: int to GLint
        line 308: int to GLint
        line 387: int to GLint

With the above changes I was able to build the current Simgear
and Flightgear cvs sources on Mac OS X 10.4.2.

Although the intro-screen of Flightgear contains only
strange lines of different color after initialization Flightgear
seems to run normal now on my machine.


Am 29.08.2005 um 23:25 schrieb Erik Hofman:

Markus Morawitz wrote:

I hope this is the right place to put my compilation results
in order to get the necessary changes into SimGear,

Yes it is, thanks.
I will apply these changes some time, but not this week since I will be busy in my attempt to get my local airport to stay open. I would have never guessed that political descissions would take this long ...


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