To everyone who has helped, thanks. My goal is to model the behaviors
and capabilities of the Digitrak with as much accuracy is possible
given my ability and the limitations of Flight Gear. I doubt it would
be possible or desirable to model the electrical characteristics of
the sensors or reverse engineer the actual code. The short term goal
is to model the basic behavior of the autopilot, to get the basic
modes working, then see what is possible. My long term goal is to
model the building blocks, the gyros, the magnetic compass and let
those feed into the autopilot's calculations. This will help model the
autopilot without depending on any of the other instruments. The
ultimate goal  would be to model it well enough to use as a training

I will continue to use the orientation properties from the flight
model as a way of modeling the digital gyro input until I can look
into coding my own gyro. Flight Gear has made it possible to do more
than put a face on a standard autopilot, for which I am grateful.
Although the controller derived from the standard autopilot may not
model the actual Digitrak in detail, I think that with the exception
of turbulence handling the behavior should be very similar to other
autopilots for most normal capabilities. Holding a heading is holding
a heading, making standard turn is making a standard turn. The main
difference is the GPS intensive nature of the navigation.

The latest version is

which supports the GPS Track and Heading Hold modes (to get the latter
you must fail the gps by setting gps-valid to 'off' in properties.

The next capability to tackle is following a flight plan.

Feel free to comment or make corrections,


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