[cc'd to flightgear-devel b/c of the internals explanation]

Jeff McBride wrote:
> Andy Ross wrote:
> > The current helicopter FDM does not support variable rotor speed.
> > The "spin up" is entirely animation.  You are flying just fine.
> I don't know what FDM you are using, but when I fly the bo105 (using
> 0.9.8), there is definitely a spin up time where I have only partial
> lift. Or else it's a very good animation:).

OK, I had to go look this one up.

It turns out that there is a *boolean* property controling engine-on
for the helicopter FDM, which is wired to the engine[0] magnetos
property by the FDM configuration.  This in turn is driven via a timer
by Melchior's Nasal code in bo105.nas.  This inspects the
/sim/model/bo105/state property to determine what the current state
is, and to watch for changes.  The default startup state defined in
bo105-set.xml is "0", indicating off.

You should be able to change /sim/model/bo105/state to "2" to start
with the engine on, either in bo105-set.xml or (I think, if I
understand the precedence correctly) your preferences.xml file, or the
rc file, or the command line.

But again note: this is a boolean property.  There is no actual suppot
for engine starup or shutdown in the helicopter FDM (which, now that I
think about it, serves as good evidence that an ugly eye-candy hack is
in fact an acceptable implementation of startup/shutdown for YASim. :)


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