On 9/24/05, Curtis L. Olson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> One thing we'd like to do that wouldn't be too technically difficult
> would be to get a 2nd receiver on the same channel as the aircraft but
> keep it on the ground.  Pipe the servo outputs from the ground based
> receiver into a little PIC board and decode the PWM signals coming in on
> each channel and send them out the serial port to the ground station.
> This would be a way to record pilot inputs without needing extra
> equipment in the air.  It doesn't tell you about loss of signal or
> interference issues with the airborn system, but it does tell you what
> the pilot is trying to do.

Hi Curt,

FMA Direct FS8 Receiver has serial output which can be used with their
Windows software to view the current position of the control outputs. 
If they provide the protocol (or if it can be reverse engineered), you
could simply read the output of the receiver on-board the aircraft and
control the actual stick inputs.  I'm hoping to acquire one soon for

In addition, the receiver also records the amount of interference that
is encountered.  Could be useful as you try to determine the amount of
interference produced by the other antennas on the aircraft.

I have a similar setup at work and we have had interference problems
as well as a crash or two :-)

Two questions on your crash ...

1) Did you do the stall test on the Rascal with or without the equipment?
2) Did you possibly point the R/C transmitter antenna at the aircraft?

Pointing the antenna at the aircraft is easy to do when things are
going bad and the aircraft is low to the ground.


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