On Wed, 2005-10-19 at 01:04 +0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been out of the fgfs development loop for an annoyingly long time.  At
> first, I had to adjust to a big drop in free time after (thankfully) finally
> getting employed.  Then I had a video card failure that forced me back to an
> old card I had lying around which had no 3D acceleration.  And then, at the
> end of July, problems with my motherboard started, and worsened through the
> month until it became basically unusable by September.
> I'm secure enough now that I'm shopping to build a new machine.  I'm looking
> at AMD64 motherboards and one of the newer nvidia cards.  And what I'm
> wondering is whether any fgfs developers can speak to building and running
> fgfs, on linux, on an AMD64 box, and/or with the nv 6600's/6800's etc.
> I've seen some threads that people are running it on AMD64 OK; but I'm
> wondering if there are any suggestions, recommendations, or warnings that
> are worth hearing before I start shelling out the big $ (e.g. mobos you're
> happy with or had nothing but trouble with).  I wanna get back to this stuff.
> Cheers,
> -c

I am running a AMD64 based system


Gigabyte GA-K8NS Utlra Sock 939 nForce 3 Dual Bios
Corsair DDR Ram 1 gig (matched pair)
SATA Hard drive
NV 6600GT AGP 128MB (You might want to consider PCI-E these days

That's the guts of it...

Montherboard has dual network interfaces on board. (More about that one

You didn't say what OS you are considering but It works a treat With
Ubuntu Hoary (5.04) and Windows2000 (not interested in XP at this stage)

After installing windows, the Gigabit network interface driver wasn't
happy with it. plugged the network cable into the other socket and
downloaded the up to date driver. Problem solved.

On Linux, I had a sound problem with Warty (4.10) with the sound not
intialising. apt-get update & apt-get upgrade fixed that one. Also
install the offical nvidia driver (7667 or higher) as the the version
that is packaged for Hoary doesn't work with the AGP version of the NV

I'd give the above combination the thumbs up. It is stable and I'm
getting about 66fps at 800x600 when sitting on runway 28R at KSFO. The
frame rate doesn't change when enlarging to full screen.

One thing I didn't notice that --enabled-specular-highlights does kill
the frame rate so i disabled that but the new 3D clouds doesn't present
a problem.

Overall, I'm happy with the purchase :-)


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