Buchanan, Stuart wrote:

How are you driving the panel? From the same box as
the cockpit view (multiple FG instances?)or by using
multiple machines?

I'm quite interested in the possibilities of
multi-display setups, but it feels a bit excessive to
have a box just dedicated to displaying a panel.

We are using multiple machines, one for each display. My feeling is that if it is a bit excessive, it is only a small bit excessive and I can put up with it. :-) You are welcome to try running a multiheaded machine (with support for opengl on all your displays.) I'd be interested in hearing your results.



Curtis Olson        http://www.flightgear.org/~curt
HumanFIRST Program  http://www.humanfirst.umn.edu/
FlightGear Project  http://www.flightgear.org
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