Hi All
In an attempt to get the 737 autopilot into
some kind of shape I have been trying to work
on the autopilot and autopilot panel XML files but
I have found two properties that don't seem to
activate.One in /controls/autoflight/display-mach
activated by the autopilot panel XML and one in
autopilot/internal/target-roll-deg which I presume
is activated by the autopilot XML.The later problem
means that there is no target-roll-deg property which
means the heading hold/select won't work.The former
problem means that getting the autothrottle to work
is currently u/s.
Also the climb and decend rates for altitude select/hold seem
to be pegged at +8.something and -16.something FPS about
+400 -800 FPM where are these values set.
As my understanding of the property system is limited maybe
someone can tell me if all the properties are set with XML files
or is there other code that also modifies the property tree.

Thanks for any advice as to why the two properties mentioned
don't seem to work in the 737 and how it can be fixed.


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