Curt wrote in web page
> We were disappointed with the data rate we were getting (maybe 5hz.)
> This prevented us from doing any serious flying under the hood.
> But I think we validated our approach and when we track down our
> data rate issues we will have a very powerful remote piloting tool. 

Curt, if the Rascal's rate factors are comparable to light aircraft,
you should be able to fly under the hood with a 5 Hz update rate.
Being under the hood implies restricting yourself to IMC maneuvers and
achieving VMC 15 seconds before the IMU tolerance touches the ground.

I'd suggest some practice; set the FGFS framerate for 3Hz (to allow for 
lags in the GPS/IMU and comms links) and fly an IFR departure/arrival.
Keep roll rates below 30 deg/sec, climbspeed faster than Vy, descent
speed below Va, turns at standard rate (definitely less than double).
That restrictive envelope is what keeps the feedback loop (via human)
slow enough to be safe with the limited update rates (in your case)
or with a pilot needing to retune navigation systems (in general).

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