On Sun, 30 Oct 2005 09:01:50 -0600, you wrote:

>KDE is a *good* Unix citizen. I wouldn't use it if it couldn't even
>digest two dots in a file name. If any such problems occur, you can try

Well Windows isn't. :-) I have trouble all the time with extensionless
files like readme and with any file name with more than one dot. Of
course, that's not news. Is there some Unix rule against a .txt file
extension. I mean there is nothing stopping one from giving text files
a .txt extension, except the extra typing. It would help in the
Windows distribution if the docs could have that text extension.
Unless there is some way to tell Windows to try Notepad first when
there is no extension.

I did manage to get SuSE OSS Linux installed. So am fully back in the
fold now. My hardware was just completely incompatible with FreeBSD,
nForce, MS wireless mouse, Radeon 350 series...I could not get X to
run and there was little chance of getting any 3d graphics to run, at
least not without more work than I was willing to do.

I will be installing FG from CVS. So maybe my Windows woes will be
over soon.


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