Arthur and Vassilii,
Even though I couldn't fix it, I'm glad I got smarter minds to think about it! 8-)
OK, is there a way to get sensible-browser at compile time? Is this a link know to the OS or something? is it callable or does it need to be read on Debian somewhere?
>this is also wrong because "sensible-browser" should be used instead.
Nice catch, not sure how to fix it though. Is there a standard path length limit? Is it queryable from some C call?
>Also the WIN32 section in src/GUI/gui_funcs.cxx with the 1024-long hardcoded
>buffers can be a crash trigger when the buffer overflows for somebody with a long
> enough path...
OK, now I understand what you meant by just using open by itself. I didn't know you could do that, thanks!
>In the macflightgear binary I've been passing "--browser-app=open" to fgfs.
>This opens the url in the default browser. For me that's Firefox.
Yes, even though I don't use xcode much (too complicated for my tiny brain 8-)), I'd like to have the projects for reference. I use the command line to make fg and run a graphical x window front end (DDD) to gdb. I don't do either very often or very well. 8-(
Macflightgear is hosted on sourceforge?
>By the way Xcode projects you can use to build PLIB, Simgear, and FlightGear
>are available now. I've polished them up so they should be ready.
>If you're interested I'll commit them to the macflightgear cvs
Actually, I can't test this (my wife is using the Mac as a telephone 8-( ), but your fix would need to go in two places: src/Main/options.cxx and src/GUI/gui_funcs.cxx (in void helpCb).  I think that one might be the actual OS Application Help menu Help menu item and one the flightgear gui menu Help menu Help menu item (but I can't test this right now and could be wrong).
Could you possibly do this additional patch also? I'm not sure when I'll get use of the Mac again. Then again, with arthritis I don't sleep much! 8-)
Also, is it a problem that the rc to the call to start the browser isn't checked before the mkDialog call (leading to possibly inaccurate messages that the browser has been started when in fact it failed to do so) as mentioned in my previous message?
Thanks for all your help and suggestions!
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